Today we can build any custom shape or size of vinyl-liner pool.
Vinyl-liners have just about any look you could want. Some even look exactly like stone finishes. Vinyl liners are smooth to the touch and will not scrape your skin like concrete/guinite pools.
Unlike fiberglass pools you will not get any cracking of the finish as you would with fiberglass shells. Also, the gelcoat on fiberglass pools will fade! Over time vinyl liners will also slowly fade; But you can easily change a vinyl liner 10 or 15 years down the road for a totally new looking inground vinyl-liner pool. With concrete/gunite pools you will need to regularly acid-wash them and re-plaster (or re-marcite) them at great expense.(many thousands of dollars)
The plumbing, pump/filter, heater, lighting equipment etc.are the same, for vinyl pools, as other types of inground pools.
But you will need less chemicals to keep the water clear than you would with a concrete/gunite pool, so the cost of yearly operation is much less. Email us with any other questions that you might have, and I will try to answer them. Sincerely; Rich DeMarco…email: