One of the biggest differences between Vinyl-liner pools and plaster or concrete pools is how sensitive they are to sanitizers and other chemicals. Vinyl-liner pools can be much less forgiving when it comes to water care than plaster pool finishes. So it’s important for the water chemistry variables to be regularly maintained within the recommended levels.
Some experts warn that if there is anything under the recommended ranges; particularly calcium, PH, and alkalinity, the water can become corrosive and destroy copper. That’s a good reason to not use copper heaters! If it’s over the proper ranges, scale formation can ensue.
With vinyl-liner pools, you have to be more particular about the chemicals you use. Many people avoid liquid chlorine, or sodium hypochlorite, because it can concentrate and bleach the liner. Liquid chlorine is heavier than water, so it sinks to the bottom of the vinyl-liner pool and practically destroys the liner, if it is not properly dispersed evenly over the deep-end of the vinyl-liner pool with the pump and filter running.
Some techs recommend avoiding Cal-Hypo shock products, because calcium will calcify the walls and cause total alkalinity(TA) to increase.
Trichlor floaters, which slowly dissolve into the water, can bleach the vinyl-liner if allowed to sit in one place for too long. Also, if your total alkalinity(TA) is already low, don’t use tricolor tablets because they have an acid base, which will force the TA even lower. This can breakdown the vinyl-liner and cause it to lose elasticity.
For superchlorinating (aka shocking) vinyl-liner pools, nothing beats lithium chlorite. It won’t bleach the liver as readily or calcify the walls.
The recommend ranges for vinyl-liner pools are as follows: PH: 7.2-7.6, Total Alkalinity: 100-150ppm, Calcium Hardness: 200-300ppm, Cyanuric Acid: 30-100ppm, and of course Free Chlorine: 1-4ppm. For questions or comment call: Rich at: 609-313-0300,