When saltwater pools are properly maintained, a quarter can be seen in four feet of water, and even the deep-end will be sharp and clear to the naked eye. Failure to achieve this level of clarity is typically caused by contaminants in the pool, or improper or insufficient circulation and filtration.
Organic contaminants-from bather load, run-off from lawn chemicals, yard debris and even heavy rain-will cause cloudy water if the salt cell cannot produce enough chlorine to overcome them. Since the salt cell produces chlorine at a fixed rate, it can be difficult to overcome the chlorine demand caused by large amounts of contaminants. Depending upon the magnitude of the chlorine demand, multiple manually-added chlorine shock may be required to solve the problem, unless your gallons of pool-water are small enough to allow you to boast the salt-cell production to 100%, (Example: if you typically run your cell at 50%).
Water can become cloudy, and discolored, if metal particles are present. Copper typically causes a green or blue tint, and manganese and iron cause a brown and blackish to purple tints, respectively. Add a sequestering chemical to suspend the metals and a filter aid to collect and remove the metal particles from the pool-water, and then clean your filter well.
Removing minerals, such as nitrates, calcium and sulfates, can be done by partially draining the pool and adding fresh water to dilute. Questions call: Rich’s cell: 609-313-0300