CHLORINE CONCERNS: Concern is growing among pool owners about the risk high doses of chlorine may be posing to swimmers’ health and the condition of their pools. Those were among the findings of a recent survey by Metrixlab and Oxone Consumer Research.
The nearly 60 question survey, conducted in June 2015, tallied how often pool owners are using shock oxidizer treatments, how they perceive the chemicals’ benefits, and how they view the merits of chlorine versus non-chlorine treatments.
More than 80% of those polled exhibited some level of anxiety about chlorine, versus just 52% in 2010. They tended to focus on eye and skin irritation, but also how heavy chlorine use might affect the long-term condition of their pool surfaces and vinyl-liners,etc. Chlorine odor was also cited as a reason for concern.
Some quotes were: “Chlorine cannot be good for the body. It discolors hair, and dries out the skin.” But non-chlorine shock does not do this, and salt-water pools also do not exhibit these type of health problems. But they do oxidize the water to safely kill contaminates, etc. We believe in salt-water pools with constant fresh chlorine shocking through electrolysis of the salt-water in the pool. There is no smell and the pool is mini-shocked regularly with fresh chlorine as long as the pump is running. Should you ever need to additionally shock the pool-water, a non-chlorine shock should be the way to go.
For more info: Call Richard DeMarco at 609-313-0300