I think it’s pretty safe to say that if your vinyl pool is green, algae are most likely the culprit. But how did algae grow in your pool in the first place? Did you lose sight of your chlorine levels? Or, are you not running your pump long enough for your filter to be effective? These are a few concerns to address to get rid of green algae. And sometimes, knowing what went wrong is as important as getting it back right.
Sometimes, a pool can turn green in what seems like overnight. However, many pools slowly turn green over a period of time.
For the most part, lack of chlorine in the pool is usually the starting point of any pool turning green. Chlorine is the primary chemical we use to disinfect our pool water from germs and other contaminants. Algae grows as the disinfecting power of the chlorine diminishes.
Still, there are other ways that can cause an algae growth, besides the lack of chlorine. Sometimes, your water can turn green because you have an undersized pump and filter. Or, maybe you’re not running your pump long enough for your filter to clean properly.
Not including insufficient chlorine levels, an undersized filter is the surest way for your pool to turn green. But, how can you verify if your pump or filter is sized correctly? If algae growth is associated with a piece of equipment, it’s usually your filter; because most pool owners actually oversize their pump.
To check your filter, the very first thing you want to do is verify how many gallons of water in your pool.
When checking the size of your filter you want to make sure that the filter is large enough for the whole pool. You will also need to make sure that you are running your pump long enough to filter your entire pool properly. If you have a filter that is too small and your pool is still blue, great, but I guarantee you are probably cleaning your filter very frequently. The smaller your filter, the more cleaning and maintenance for you, the pool owner! This is why we always recommend oversizing your filter, even if only by a little.
Once you know haw many gallons of water you have, you now need to make sure that filter is large enough and you are running your pump long enough. That’s called the turnover rate. A turnover rate is pretty much how many gallons of water can run through a filter within a certain amount of time. The basic rule is, you want your entire amount of pool water to run through your filter at least once within an 8 hour period. This is why if you look inside any filter manual, it provides turnover rates for an 8 hour period and even a 10 hour period.
We, at PARADISE POOL & SPA.COM, use a HAYWARD S244T filter with GLASS MEDIA inside, for our vinyl pool installations. This filter can turnover 29,760 gallons in an 8 hour period, and 37,200 gallons in a 10 hour period. So if you have 24,000 gallons in your pool, our filter will turnover your pool-water easily in 8 hours of pump-running. But if you want greater filtering of your pool-water, run you pump for 10 hours; and during the hotter months of summer, we recommend running your pump for 12 hours for the best cleaning, and chlorination, of your pool-water. More questions? please call Rich’s cell at: 609-313-0300
reprinted from INYOPool.com…Charlie Ramirez…Dec.5,2016